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April 20, 2024

Preparing for School Inspections: Behaviour Questions

Frequently asked questions around behaviour to prepare for school inspections.

School inspections can be a very stressful time for leaders, teachers, and support staff, so preparation is key.

This editable template can be used by staff in schools to prepare for external moderation or inspection. It covers frequently asked questions around behaviour that may arise during an inspection.

These key questions can be used to frame professional discussions, to ensure that leaders and other staff are able to articulate a clear and coherent view of behaviour in school. There is also room to add your own questions.

Questions include:

    • How do leaders support other staff with behaviour in school?

    • What do you do to foster a positive, inclusive environment?

    • What does behaviour support training and CPD look like in your school?

    • How would you summarise your approach to behaviour support?

    • What is your strategy for engaging with parents and carers around behaviour?


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