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February 27, 2025

6 Ways to Build a Respectful Setting

Encouraging respectful relationships across our organisations.

Whether we work in education, health, or social care, a respectful setting is vital for fostering a sense of belonging, security, and inclusion. When we respect each other, through both our words and our actions, we demonstrate that we value not only the individuals in our care, but also the people we work alongside.

So, how can we successfully build respectful settings where everyone – staff teams, individuals, and families – feels valued for the contribution they make?

1: Recognise and celebrate difference

At the heart of a respectful environment is the ability to embrace and celebrate diversity. We are all different; we all have our own likes and beliefs, hobbies and personalities, and strengths and weaknesses. Not only that, but we all look and sound different to each other.

Being different is apparent to most adults, but it can often come as a surprise to some individuals in our care. Younger children, in particular, are sometimes surprised to find that others are different to them.

The individuals we support may notice differences, such as:

    • Physical differences, including hair and skin colour, height, and size

    • Characters and personalities

    • Beliefs and backgrounds

    • Making different choices

Many of these differences are protected by the UK government’s Equality Act 2010, to ensure we are all treated fairly in society. We can promote a respectful environment by ensuring that everyone has equal and equitable access to opportunities and resources. Not only that, but we can also challenge individuals when we feel that someone is being discriminated against.

2: Model respectful behaviour and language

The children, young people, and adults we support learn from watching us and emulating our behaviour, so if they witness us showing respect for others, they may be more likely to do the same thing themselves.

There are many ways we can demonstrate respect for others, and become good role models for those in our care:

    • Using ‘please’ and ‘thank you’

    • Choose our language carefully, especially in relation to behaviour

    • Listening attentively when someone else is speaking

    • Staying calm and polite, even if we feel angry or frustrated

    • Respecting different opinions, especially if we don’t share them

    • Politely sharing our own opinions and being open to changing our views

As professionals, there are multiple opportunities to model respectful relationships with others throughout the course of a typical day.

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