Supporting Individuals Who Self-Harm December 4, 2023 Article Understanding why an individual may self-harm and how we can best support them.
Individual Support Plan Template December 4, 2023 Download An editable template example for writing individual support plans, including supportive strategies.
Talking Behaviour: Celebrating Neurodiversity December 3, 2023 Video Team Teach Trainer, Mica Coleman Jones, meets with Jonathan Newport to discuss neurodiversity.
Rewards vs Bribes | Dean Cotton December 1, 2023 Podcast Dean describes the impact of using rewards and how they may inhibit the development of intrinsic motivation.
How to Write an Effective Pen Portrait November 30, 2023 Article Write a pen portrait that captures essential information to improve staff understanding of individual needs.
Pen Portrait Template November 29, 2023 Download Use this editable pen portrait template to create a one-page information sheet about an individual's needs and preferences.
Communication Passport Template November 28, 2023 Download An editable template to record information and personal preferences for use between and within services.
Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities Through Bereavement November 24, 2023 Article 6 practical ways to support individuals with learning disabilities through the grieving process.
Restorative Practice | Nick Burnett November 22, 2023 Podcast Nick Burnett joins Clare to talk about restoring and repairing relationships through restorative practice.
Trauma-Informed Practice: How Experiences Influence Behaviour November 16, 2023 Article A look at what trauma is, what 'trauma-informed practice' means, and how experiences influence behaviour.
Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities and Dementia November 14, 2023 Article 5 key areas to support and practical strategies to ensure individuals can live well with dementia.
Supervision in Education | Hollie Edwards November 11, 2023 Podcast Hollie talks about creating supervision sessions in her school, and the benefits this has for staff.
A Personalised Approach to Supporting Individuals Through a Crisis November 10, 2023 Article Prioritising the recovery stage for all parties to create positive outcomes for everyone.
Webinar Recording: Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities & Dementia November 9, 2023 Video Webinar Recording: Simon Holding suggests person-centred ways to support individuals with learning disabilities and dementia.
Supporting Children with PDA | Lynn McCann November 9, 2023 Podcast We explore Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and how this might show in a child's behaviour.